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Personal Training

At FrankieFit we are focused on helping you achieve your goals and tailor all training to you. We work in a holistic way taking into account not just your fitness level and goals but also your lifestyle as a whole. After all, that’s what shapes us – our everyday lives, habits and routines. We help you find a realistic way of making changes to give you the energy and results you want. We want the same thing -  a fitter, healthier and happier YOU!
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How Can We help?

Frankie Fit Fat Loss Training

Fat Loss &

Lets shake it up. Lets not go on another diet. Lets not deprive ourselves. Lets not feel like our success is dependent on what the scales say. Lets stop counting the calories. After all has any of this worked so far in the long term? Its time for a change. We've worked with hundreds of clients over the years to build a personalised way forward that works with their fitness history, their current lifestyle and their hopes for the future to teach them a way of exercising, living, eating, being that will see them both build muscle and feel strong and proud and lose fat to feel healthier and more confident. These steps will be simple techniques and tools that will change your life and put you back in the driving seat of your body and mind. We love empowering our clients in their health and fitness journeys.


Positive Mindset 

Liberate yourself from your fears and make your goals a reality. What do you tell yourself you cannot do? What do you daydream about achieving but feel it can never be your reality? Why? Become aware of any limiting beliefs that maybe holding you back and learn how to re-frame them. Understand how to help set yourself up for success. Discover great ways to help new habits stick. Find out what drives you and how to harness that to great effect. Work with visualisation techniques for goal setting, to ease symptoms of anxiety and as a tool for.


New to Exercise

Whatever your reason for coming to exercise for the first time we know the very thought of it can be daunting. We are here to set you up for success and enjoyment so that you stick with your training in order to see the results you came to achieve. We've trained hundreds of clients new to exercise over the years - helped them to learn about their minds and bodies and feel great pride and exhileration as they find their strength and improve their own fitness levels. You'll have tailor made training to suit you every step of the way and you'll always feel supported.


Peri-menopause and Menopause

Navigating our way through peri-menopause and menopause is a wholly personally journey. You are not alone. With fitness and nutritional support we can help make this process easier and furnish you with information to make the right choices for you.

You can find out more here.


Antenatal Fitness

A good physical condition prior to pregnancy is important and will enhance a mother’s ability to lead an active lifestyle throughout her 3 trimesters.

You can read more about this here.


Postnatal Fitness

Exercising after you have your baby can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. It can help restore muscle strength and firm up your body.

You can read more about this here


Holistic Fitness &
Lifestyle Coaching
for Older Adults

For men and women as we grow older our bodies and with that our hormones bring about changes in our body some of which aren't always welcome. Whether your reason for wanting to start training is an internal or external health one such as diabetes, dealing with depression, promoting bone health or brain health, wishing to improve your balance or wanting an overall increased feeling of well being our approach for you will be a holistic one. We'll work with you to personalise your training so that we help you boost all areas of your health and fitness to give you the best possible results and support you to happily and confidently achieve your goals.


Thrive - Optimum Health & Well Being after Illness 

Recovering from an illness/ health problem can feel over whelming and it can seem hard or even impossible to know where to start. With our expertise here to support you in this journey we will take a holistic, steady, confidence boosting approach to best enable you to return to a feeling of health and well-being. Together we'll build your knowledge of your own health and fitness, and you'll feel more energised. We will set you up for both success and to enjoy this journey returning to optimum health - one step at a time.


Rider Health & Fitness
for Pros & Ams

At ProRiderFitness we have spent 20 years delivering sports specific training to riders of all disciplines from eventing and show jumping to dressage and polo. Our primary focus is to enable each individual rider whether they are an amateur or a professional, to significantly progress their fitness with bespoke one to one coaching. Our approach is holistic one which means amongst working on fitness we also look at a rider's lifestyle factors and their goals for the future. Armed with this information we have the knowledge to help any rider make massive gains to their riding and their life as a whole.


Injury Rehab &
Postural Improvement

For those recovering from an injury or operation we are here to support your journey of recovery. Once you have been signed off by your Dr or physio we are here to take those next steps to re-gaining your strength, flexibility, comfort and confidence in the body part effected and to enable your body to work as a whole again. Postural Improvement is an area we commonly work on with clients and it's really a sign of our busy lifestyles amongst other things. Our primary objective is to work with you to develop muscle tone to support your skeletal structure to promote its natural movement . By doing this those aches and pains that may have become a part of your daily life will dissipate. You'll gain your confidence back in your body as a whole and life will become a whole lot more fun.


Holistic Fertility Boost

Our modern lives and our caveman hormones that haven't yet caught up with our lifestyles often find themselves in conflict. When this happens, our hormones can become out of balance and at this point we can find ourselves finding it harder to conceive than we had hoped. Our approach to helping you boost your fertility is very much a holistic one taking into consideration your mind and body. We'll look at lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and much more and work with you to identify areas that maybe adding to your difficulties and work with you to help you find straightforward ways to increase your chances of conceiving and importantly to enjoy that journey.


Powering through
Training Plateaus


Now and then even the most focused person can start to feel stuck with their training and fitness. Sometimes we can find that our regular training and lifestyle that used to see us making great gains just isn't cutting it. All that is required is a professional set of eyes to look at what's happening taking into account an array of factors to find a wealth of ways you can push past your plateau. These can be anything from an epiphany about sleep or nutrition, to discovering new techniques or a better understanding of how our body works in relation to what we are trying to achieve. 

Frankie Fit Testimonial
Frankie Fit Customer Feedback

Client Case Study


“I found Frankie at a complete low point in my life, had so much going on in my home life and at work. I had really hit rock bottom. When we first met she took me through a plan gently and encouragingly, I had felt like I had a mountain to climb. The thing that really sticks with me was her advice to change one thing even if just breakfast, then when ready change another. I still use this mindset. She set me on a path that changed my approach to wellness and exercise. 


I found a love for food in a healthy way and used her as a springboard to find a love for moving more. A few years have gone by now. I was 100lbs heavier and hid in the shadows scared to do anything. I took part in the Royal Parks half marathon in October, I now run most days and I’m training to be a Yoga teacher.


The thing I have to thank Frankie for is giving me back my confidence and discovering I was capable of so many things! Her Patience, tenacity and belief helped me stick with it for way beyond our sessions. It became a way of living not just a training program. Thank you Frankie” 


– Janine

“Frankie is a fantastic trainer. She has built up my strength and flexibility in a way that has meant no injuries! I hate exercise but Frankie makes it fun and gets results."


– Teresa

“I can't emphasise what a difference Frankie has made to my life! In just five weeks, I lost 3/4 stone, toned up and dropped 2 dress sizes, my energy level increased and my body felt like it was working properly again!”  


— Rosanna, Mother of 2

Antenatal Personal Training


A good physical condition prior to pregnancy is important and will enhance a mother’s ability to lead an active lifestyle throughout her 3 trimesters. Throughout the various stages of pregnancy amendments will be made to exercises to insure the best support and comfort for your training for yourself and your little one. You will have a fun, relaxed, informative training session tailored to you and your needs on the day. We will combine light cardio exercise with work on core, posture and overall muscle tone. Posture and core being of massive importance during and after pregnancy. Sessions will be taken at your own pace with an emphasis on ‘feeling good’! The notion that “Mum knows best” is something I like to follow during ante natal and post natal classes. There will be some days where you are full of energy and ready for a fitness session and others where you feel more sapped. We work with what we have on the day and alter sessions accordingly.


The benefits of exercising during pregnancy with FrankieFit include:

  • Better circulation. Mother and baby’s circulation are inter-related through the placenta so anything affecting the mother’s circulation can affect the baby

  • Less backache, improved posture and reduction of pregnancy symptoms: constipation, varicose veins and leg cramps

  • A faster post natal recovery

  • Control of excess weight gain and enhanced psychological well-being

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Enhanced self-image and confidence

  • Increased body awareness

  • Some effect on mother’s ability to cope with labour and child birth as well as faster post natal recovery

  • A beneficial effect on the course of labour

  • There are matters of consideration which will covered during FrankieFit training being mindful of not over stretching due to a hormone known as relaxing being released during and post pregnancy, watching the movement of the hips, maintaining good posture, working with pelvic floor and core muscles to maintain integrity from within.

Postnatal Personal Training 

When can you come back to exercise?

When coming back to exercise following the childbirth there are some important factors to consider. First of all please make sure you have had your 6 week post natal check up. Mothers who have experienced delivery by caesarean section should delay this further to approximately 8-12 weeks.


What can you do in the meantime to prepare your body for exercise?

  • When safe to do so daily walks are encouraged. Aim to increase the pace and length of the walk gradually over the 6-8 week period. Attention to posture and the height of the pram handle are vitally important.

  • Static contractions are the most effective and safest exercise which can be performed almost immediately following childbirth. These are performed when trying to pull the tummy in as much and as often as possible.

  • Pelvic floor work can be carried out by making simple contractions of your pelvic floor muscles. Taking time to gain control of these muscles soon after birth will be beneficial. These exercises can be carried out at anytime for short set of say 5 reps to begin with holding each rep for a short period of time to begin with. Why not get into a routine at do the exercises every time you change a nappy? Or if that’s too much to begin with before an evening feed?


Some of the benefits of Post Natal Fitness with FrankieFit

  • Enhance self confidence.

  • Weight loss. Though this is more of a long term aim and should not be a major consideration during the immediate post natal period.

  • Re-tone pelvic floor to regain control of bladder

  • Re-tone abdominal muscles to increase strength and enable them to support the spine and regain figure

  • Develop better posture/ regain good posture in basic daily tasks, essential in back care


What will a Post Natal Fitness Session involve?

  • Sessions are tailored to you as an individual and will take into account your fitness prior to and during pregnancy, your labour, any complications, the health of your baby and achieving your goals be it improved fitness, weight loss, confidence and more.

  • The sessions are fun, relaxed and informative combining cardiovascular exercise with work on core, posture and overall muscle tone. Sessions will be taken at your own pace with an emphasis on ‘feeling good’.

  • Return to exercise post pregnancy should be gradual and at your own pace. It is vital to allow your body adequate time to rest and recuperate. A simple rule to follow both ante and post natal is ‘Mum knows best’!


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