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Welcome to a fitter and healthier YOU!

Achieve your own goals, be the best you can be and see your self-esteem soar!

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Where Can You Train?


Mobile to your Door

in Surrey, Hampshire &

West Sussex


At our Farm Studio in Liphook, Hampshire


Online Coaching

What Do We Offer?


At FrankieFit we are focused on helping you achieve your goals and tailor all training and knowledge provided to you the individual. We work in a holistic way taking into account not just your fitness level and goals but also your lifestyle as a whole.


Welcome to the PowerNotPause Approach - The PowerNotPause Toolkit is our holistic coaching system devised for peri-menopausal and menopausal clients drawing on our 20 years of experience and the latest research. The impact hormonal changes have on our life can be massively eased with a holistic approach. We focus on looking at a personalised plan because every woman’s experience is different. 


At FrankieFit we have spent 20 years entrenched in the equine industry as a personal trainer to riders both professional - including members of Team GB - and amateurs. Our primary focus is to enable each individual rider to progress their fitness significantly with bespoke one to one training to boost their effectiveness as a rider.

“I found a love for food in a healthy way and used her as a springboard to find a love for moving more. A few years have gone by now. I was 100lbs heavier and hid in the shadows scared to do anything. I took part in the Royal Parks half marathon in October, I now run most days and I’m training to be a Yoga teacher.

The thing I have to thank Frankie for is giving me back my confidence and discovering I was capable of so many things! Her Patience, tenacity and belief helped me stick with it for way beyond our sessions. It became a way of living not just a training program. Thank you Frankie”


- Janine

“Finding Frankie has been the best step I’ve taken towards looking after my health and fitness in years. She really knows her stuff and has quickly got me loving my workouts, despite me having had no fitness regime for years. I’m already feeling much stronger and healthier, I have more energy and am more in control of my stress than I have been for a long time. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”


- Jude

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